Thursday, September 17, 2009

How you made your grandmother glad ?

how you made your grandmother glad ?

A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. "Now, children," said she , "has anyone of you ever make someone else glad?"

"Please, teacher,"said a small boy,"I've make someone glad yesterday."

"Well done. Who was that?"

"My granny."

"Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad."

"Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, 'Granny, I'm going home,' and she said, 'Well, I'm glad'!"

Main Entrance

  A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read 'BEST DEALS.'

  He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading 'LOWEST PRICES.'

  The shopkeeper panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop. It read 'MAIN ENTRANCE'.

Your purse or your life ?

At a court the judge is interrogating a mugg but gets into difficulty because the mugg is a foreigner who doesn't speak English. "Don't you speak English at all?" the judge asks. "Only a few words," replies the mugger.

  "What words do you know?"

  "Your purse or your life!"


Ahahgshene said...

HAHAHA these are so FUNNY!
i just had to share them with my friend!

I V Y said...

nice blog!

Galaxy6139 said...

=)) by this way, you can make all other people glad... not only your grandmom ^^


Buttercup said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Clementine said...

Hi Angella! Thanks for the chuckle and thank you for joining my blog!

phairhead said...

that's a great photo as well : )

jeff said...

My God !... KISS ! Wonderful and really funny !...;-)))
Beautiful !

Ken Riches said...

Thanks for making me smile :o)

Anonymous said...

Great blog! You're english is really good!
I'm following

KrippledWarrior said...

Very humorous. Thanks.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

This is so sweet...warms my heart!
Good way to discover your blog!!
Wonderful weekend dear~

Becki Jacket said...

HAHA! Those are great!

Becki Jacket said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The kiss eggs were the best! nice :)

Audra, Green Meadow Lane said...

Very cute!

Michelle said...

So cute! I love the eggs painted like KISS!

Michelle :)

Diane said...

Very funny and very sweet! :O)

Jessica Nelson said...

Cute! :-)

Wanda's Wings said...

Very funny. Smiles are nice.

Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

These are funny! I just found your blog and love it!

Pete said...

Ha Ha, good jokes!

Jill Kemerer said...

I love the first one! :)

the house of jojo said...

nice :D
i love ur blog..
with the jokes n stuff :)

could u join my blog please?

Pearl said...

Good jokes! :-)


gh said...

;) Thanks for making me smile today. Very refreshing and heartwarming blog.Keep up the good work, I will be back often

The pale observer said...

Love those KISS eggs!!!

claradevi said...

oh, your blog is so lovely and inspiring! :)

Kate said...

Hi Angella, these brought a smile to my face! And thanks for becoming a member of my blog. I hope the tales of life in the ME are keeping you entertained!

King of New York Hacks said...

Very clever !! love this blog !!

Tom said...

Funny stories. I really liked the Kiss eggs.


hueuhue.. so fun ur content.. nice writing... :)

Shahrul Shaharuddin
Shahroll PhotoGraphy

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Lols...hahahahaha..thanks for making me laugh.

Precious Gems said...

Thanks for putting a smile on my face :)

Brian Murphy said...

At the end of a long day in New York, I really needed that.


Masterofword said...

Nice jokes, especially the first one abourt granny! Lol! Thanks for positive moment. i really needed it at my working day!


Ha really great !

Daveda said...

FUnny! My favorite is the grandmother one :)

Anonymous said...

Those are very funny. Thank you.

Autumn Leaves said...

Angella, thank you so much for following my blog. I just noticed this a.m. and found my way over here to visit you. I must say that I love your sense of humor. Did you paint the eggs? They are so beautiful!

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

Very funny :)

Yasexy said...

aww this post was too adorable

I'm now a dedicated stalker(follower)
Hopefully you can stop by from time totime to check out my blog &POSSIBLY COMMENT

Jose Ramon Santana Vazquez said...


desde mis


CON saludos de la luna al
reflejarse en el mar de la
poesia ...



~PakKaramu~ said...

Visiting your blog

Haven and Home said...

Too funny!

Viva La Fashion said...

those eggs are so cool! :D

Tom Bailey said...

Kiss easter eggs. Great art work on them.

Anonymous said...

Cute jokes! Thanks for making me laugh and visiting my blog.

Brenda Susan said...

Great jokes that brought me a big smile, Thank you!

Didz said...

Hey..that's really some funny jokes there. Good one! :) and you really have a nice blog here, love it!

Pete said...

Ha ha ha, cute and funny joke

Andrea said...

Wonderful, my friend! You have a gift of making others smile.

Bless you for brightening the lives of others!


Nitin said...

you know the goofy thing is .. those eggs made me cry.. i love KISS sooo much.. they rock!! sobs, sniff... :P

Velo said...

cute eggs =)
ow grandma..

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! New to your blog and loved the jokes. Thanks for a laugh. Following now.

Arooj said...

nice subtle jokes

Symphony of Love said...

Do not challenge kid, they never fail to surprise you. :)

The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

Thanks for the laugh. I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil e nossa luta contra o comunismo. Abração

Clelia said...

these are such cute stores. nice blog

Clelia from London

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

I think I would have made a lot of people glad if I had not come into work today. I overloaded everyone!

The Little Miss said...

I just found your blog and I love it!!! Very creative!
If you would like come check out my blog and enter my current giveaway at
I hope you decided to follow me because I try to bring my readers a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday!

Manju said...

the first one is HILARIOUS!
i'm a new follower, thought i'd say hi ^^
have a great week dear

farenova said...

So cute... I like them..

ᖇᗩE said...

love your jokes!

Prithwish....... said...

hey..just blogohopped and visted ur site..really liked it..:)u have really made me glad :)
so u have one more follower..and pls do visit my blog too..will await ur comments..
take care,

Gustavo Pertierra said...

Nice blog, my friend, sorry for my english is very bad, but i try to learn with your blog.

Cherry said...

I love your blog! It is so sweet and inspirational

Leona said...

Funny :)) Gave me a nice laugh today :D

Ahmad Zulfadhli Zulkefli said...

The jokes were so funny.. hehe..

psst: hi! blogwalking. let xchange link & please comment my blog entry at tq.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog!

ali said... funny...

Anonymous said...

hi, nice to meet u !

Anonymous said...


Mila said...


Chris said...

Great blog. Keep up the good work and fun. I also have a political blog you might like.

Ahmad Zulfadhli Zulkefli said...

i like the first joke ahaa.. it make me laugh without stopping.. =)

psst: hi! blogwalking, let xchange link & please comment my blog entry at . tq.

Yoghurt Lady said...

the last one is the funniest ^.^

Anjas Hill said...

Hahhaaa! I am also a grandmother, but I get happiest when my grandchild stays ...;)!/Anja

Anonymous said...

so funny^^ love them^^

Unknown said...

Nice blog...we too are glad along with your

Anonymous said...

Sto per piangere!
Ho modificato link e nome del Blog, ma ignoravo che facendo questo avrei cancellato per sempre tutti i commenti.E dico tutti!...I vostri commenti da due anni a questa parte...Che tristezza...

Se penso che ieri stavo per chiudere il Blog...beh...Mi dico...Forse era destino.Ricominciare tutto da capo.
Meglio sorridere della mia incompetenza vah...eheheh :/

Per chi vuole ancora seguirmi, il mio link nuovo è

Al mio vecchio indirizzo spiego brevemente il perchè del cambio.

Un bacione e un abbraccio!

Anonymous said...

Oh COOL!!!1

Isha Shiri said...


I was happy with his good humor and creativity.

Kisses and Shalom (peace)


Kendra Logan said...



The Little Miss said...

love this how fun!
When you get a second be sure to come check me out! I have 3 giveaways going on and one amazing one every Monday! So be sure to follow me :)

Aidi-Safuan said...

wahahahaha...really2 funny!

Peter Stone said...

Funny jokes, I especially liked the grandmother's joke. Glad to see the kid go home, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh man. Much needed humor. Love it. Thanks.

My best, Lynn

Froso M. said...

oh my god, the eggs are a fantastic idea!!!

JMay said...

Ok these are awesome!!!!

Legenda said...

Very nice!

Just Joany said...

I just found your blog. Very nice. My favorite is the Main Entrance joke. Thank you for sharing.

Merry Christmas! ~ Just Joany
Red Wagon Flights

Zean Wednesday said...

I Like the photo profil....^^

blogspotmuzik said...

hi firend great blog thank..

Benjoe said...

Jiahahahaha... nice blog and posting... to be your follower.. :)

Ieva said...

Funny stories :) Happy New Year!

Giovanni Battista Tessitore said...

EHEH!! Greattt

Tine M. said...

<3 this made my day!!! :D
im glad i stopped by!

Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

tony said...

Best Wishes From Hebden Bridge And Pescara!

MiloMen said...

Hey buddy I came to visit, looking at the article friend, come back to my blog and follow me..^_^

Blog site:

MiloMen said...

Hey buddy I came to visit, looking at the article friend, come back to my blog and follow me..^_^

Blog site:

fasha comeback again said...

blogwalking with love. :D
follow my blog..
follow my blog..
follow my blog please
okay ;)

Unknown said...

My hubby and one of my sons loves kiss lol these are very fun!

Pop by my blog I have a suprise for you

Love Dawn xx

balloona said...

Balloona Privat
Balloona's Blog
unser Hobby
Balloona Homepage

bondearte said...

I'm laughing with the story of the boy and grandpa :))))
Very good

Eci si Cami said...

Smart merchant ......:)))
hi all!

Kittie Howard said...

What a fun, happy blog. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Estou fazendo uma visita no seu Blog ,espero a sua visita tambem abraços.
Visitem este Blog ! -
This is my Blog .... where you can find fun and pleasure are welcome ...

*Photographer Harjot Kaur * said...

haha cuteness

Anonymous said...

I like your blog, it made me laugh!


Renata Soares said...

nice blog!
nice post!

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

Nice bird eggs (chicken) Kävisitkö watching Teuvo images blog and leaving your comment there. Thank you Teuvo Vehkalahti Suomi Finland

Someone said...

toooo funnny >_<

Liliana Lucki said...

Un gran espacio !!!!

desde MDQ, Liliana

Anonymous said...

Radosnego 2011!

la stanza in fondo agli occhi said...

lol funny stories!

Anonymous said...

Radosnego tworzenia w Internecie oraz życia dłuższego od wieku Układu Słonecznego.

Anonymous said...

Jeśli chcesz ukarać złodzieja pokaż jemu coś co jest dostępne dla każdej osoby za darmo.


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Desejo a ti, teus familiares e todos os visitantes do teu blog um Feliz Natal. Aproveito para informar que dia 02 de janeiro estreia Urbanascidades 2012, igual mas...diferente.
Paulo Bettanin.

Trica Jus said...

berbagi kata2 motivasi gan
semoga di terima :D

Kamu tak akan bisa hidup sendiri. Butuh bantuan orang lain. Pastikan bahwa mereka adalah orang yg dapat kamu andalkan.

Unknown said...

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Interesting that this post lives on nearly three years after it was uploaded. It seems that people are reading and that they are interested in language issues. I suggest that anyone who wants to take what they know -- even if it is only "your purse or your life" -- and turn it into good conversational language overnight, they check out two things: (1) the book, How to Improve Your Foreign Language Immediately by Boris Shekhtman -- you can find it on Amazon and (2) the Language Immediately website(
Unlike the empty promises of places like Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur, these techniques work because they are based on solid principles of communication and have been tested over thirty years with thousands of students. I have used them successfully with students I have taught and with my own children. I rarely endorse anything so seemingly inflated, but in this case the claim is not inflated. The explanation is at the website.

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